domingo, maio 25, 2008

Biological Computers -Can They Sidestep the Laws of Physics?

Biological Computers -Can They Sidestep the Laws of Physics?: "In recent years Moore's Law, the idea the computing power will double every eighteen months, has seem less an amazing sign of progress and more an immense brick wall we're speeding towards - with recent advances like one-atom transistors, there simply isn't much further to go. This has driven research in other directions that wouldn't have appealed back when regular chips could just get better and better. 3D chips, optical computing, quantum systems and even biological computers.
If the thought of doing complex mathematical problems makes you sick to your stomach, you might be able to help the solve the equations after all. Scientists from Davidson College and Missouri Western State University have reprogrammed E. Coli bacteria, normally found doing their own thing in your stomach, to solve a mathematical problem in a cunning sidestep from classical computing - giving a whole new dimension to the term 'gut feeling'."

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