quarta-feira, outubro 15, 2008

Humanoid Robot Mahru Dances To Household Chores With Packed Emotions - Gizmo Watch

Humanoid Robot Mahru Dances To Household Chores With Packed Emotions - Gizmo Watch: "Alan Turing, a well known British Mathematician in 1950, assumed if a machine was indistinguishable from a human, then it was “thinking.” And the most intelligent went out conducting a competition to reveal the same, lately - putting the machines up against humans to see which of the two was most intelligent. Only to find the humans reigning supreme, at least for the present. Humans have managed to create churning robots with the best human-like abilities as their latest fad, and Koreans master the art. Developed lately by a research team of masters (the state-funded Korea Institute of Science and Technology), is a robot which can dance while walking on its two legs, and also get emotional when it’s not indulged in the household chores (an added utility). Standing at 1.5m tall, “Mahru” is developed as a humanoid robot to replace humans in places of work. The robot’s upper and the lower body parts can move independently along with the - lips, eyebrows and pupils that Mahru can move to express its vivid emotions."

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